Stafi Protocol Monthly— June Community Updates.




On Jun 15, 2020, Stafi rolled out v0.2.0 of Stafi Website. In the new version, the introductive documents were extended. There are also news links to the project documents and Tokenomics of stafi document. There is a more distinct update: the Staking Finance and rToken modules were added to the main menu and detailed in their corresponding pages.

By Jun 20, 2020, Stafi chain has updated to v0.1.1, in which the genesis parameters, Vesting, Staking and transfer modules were tuned up. The new version also operated and tested logics like multi-node stable block-production, transfer banning during the POA stage. It also forked Polkadotjs, tailored the node interations of Stafi, and it has been deployed primarily.

Jun 28, 2020, Stafi-apps has updated to v0.47.0.

As of June 30, 2020, the StakingDrop designed by Stafi has been accepted online partly. It is expected to be launched in early July. At that time, Stakers can obtain FIS airdrops through Staking. The specific plan will be explained later. Stafi website v0.3.0 version, which will integrate StakingDrop, is also under development.


On the evening of June 8, 2020, we invited Bonna Zhu, the head of the Staking business at BitMax, to discuss the Staking derivatives from the exchange perspective to the Stafi community. This is our third AMA event.

Please catch up at here

On June 18, 2020, we established the Spanish Telegaram community and started interacting with Spanish community partners.

On June 19, 2020, Liam, the founder of Stafi, was invited by the host and developer community and Parity to participate in the “Substrate China DAY” online video roundtable discussion. During the event, he exchanged thoughts and ideas deeply with various project founders and top developers under the Pokal ecology. They discussed the future development together.


Following the publication of the first article of the Staking Contract Series documents on May 25, Stafi published the second and the third and last artiles on June 3 and June 24 respectively. The complete Staking contract series document are now all open and public.

The second article of the Staking contract discusses how Stafi selects projects. In order to ensure that it is worthwhile to develop and run SC for them, we will evaluate the development cost from the technical dimension, the economic value from the revenue and the influence dimension. At the same time, it is paramount to evaluate the security of projects in order to ensure the anchoring of rToken and native token.

The second article is here

The third and last article discusses the risk-control methods for Staking Tokens and the solutions for the Slash risks and the malfunctioning of the original chains. Stafi established a sophisticated risk-control mechanism from 3 perspectives: prevention, loss reduction and remedies.

The third and last article is here

On June 12, 2020, we released Stafi Tokenomics documents. It covers the consensus mechanism, validator election mechanism and reward mechanism, token circulation model, and the future application rToken, a derivative of Stafi based on Staking assets. We have a deeper understanding of the tokenomics and implemented it in Stafi’s economic model design.

For Stafi Tokenomics please check here

What’s next

Stafi is about to release a incentives Testnet and StakingDrop compaigns. Node service providers and Stakers please stay tuned for the specific opening hours and incentive rules.

We will launch Stakingdrop campaign soon and add the access to the airdrop in v0.3.0 of Stafi Website. Stakingdrop is a unique form of airdrop taken by Stafi targeted at token holders of mainstram PoS tokens. Users who want to claim FIS can Stake their own tokens and submit proof. Please stay tuned for this campaign!

About Stafi

Stafi is the first DeFi protocol that provides liquidity to staking assets. It does so by facilitating the issuance of rTokens, which enable you to get the staking rewards and trade or lend the locked staking tokens at the same time. Starting on Polkadot, Stafi is able to tap into Cosmos, Tezos, and other blockchain ecosystems — opening a new chapter in decentralized finance!

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StaFi_Protocol A Decentralize Protocol to Provide the liquidity of Your Staking Assets